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TIME WARP AGAIN! Suddenly it's March 18, 2023

Here it is, 12 years past the night of Cal's birth. When his Mother was born, it took her Mom (his Grandmother and my wife at the time) 48 hours to deliver. Yes, his Mother finally popped out Cal after a few more hours. Like Mother, like Daughter. It's been a blast watching Cal grow with life. I'm saying this without bias. Cal's one of the two most intelligent people I've ever known. I'm no dummy. I actually was a "Rocket Scientist" operating on the Space Shuttle Program! He's kind, generous, and very empathetic. It's titillating watching him interact with adults. Many act as, "Oh, he's just a kid..." He thinks it's hilarious too. He'll then pop off with something that's so far outta the mind of a "kid" that the adult's jaw sometimes really drops. He's in a decent school system but terribly suffering from boredom. They aren't challenging him at all. He's doing 2nd-year college mathematics and ...

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Cal coming to the world today.